Friday, October 29, 2010

For the Love of Humanity

God, who is love itself, decided, in His divine wisdom, to expand His community of love that existed between the three persons of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This extension was meant to include free wills, like Himself, and thus made in His image and likeness. This being His objective, God created humanity, people, each person possessing a free will like Himself. Being an act of God, creation is an act of love. God did not create free wills to be subjected to Him, but rather, free wills must be truly free. To be part of God and become one with Him in order to enjoy existence in the Divine Trinity's community of love, each free will must willingly love God - choose God and pursue of Him - in order to share in His nature. Free wills in the realm of eternity make a single, eternal choice that cannot be altered. In this respect, all of the angels of God who choose to follow Satan had chosen to disobey God from the moment of their creation, and all of those who choose obedience remained with God. In order that it would be possible for the free will of each person to change from evil to good, that is, to choose God, supposing that the free wills would first chose evil, God created humanity to exist within the framework of finite time.

Love from the free will is God's desire from people, considering that He wants to bring us into His divine community of love. This gives people significance in the eyes of God, and for no other reason than humanity did God create anything. In order that His creation might communicate love for Him or rejection of Him, God created the physical universe as a medium through which love can be conveyed. The medium in and of itself is meaningless (physical matter and motion are meaningless), bearing no significance that is not in relation to human persons. This being so, God had no need to form it in a state of less-than-complete before the formation of humanity. That is, God did not create a universe that needed to build humanity for God, whether directed by His divine guidance or not. Instead, God instantaneously began His work of significance by creating humans. By His divine patience, God waited for the progression in finite time of humanity's decision to love or reject Him. In hope, the servants of God waited for God to reveal His promised act of restoration, the death of Himself in His Son, an act already at work since the fall of man. At every moment, God calls men to Himself, yet they are free from the moment of bodily conception to choose to love Him or reject Him. It is when they have grown to an appropriate age are they fully capable of an informed decision concerning God and fully responsible for the choice they make.

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